This collection of beads (toggle closure not pictured) is big bold and beautiful. My first foray into foil core which allows for oversized components while maintaining strength and light weight for wearing comfort.
After forming beads, I covered the forms with a thin layer of clay and cured for about 7 minutes. Then I added a layer of thicker clay and textured. Cured again. About 15 min. I then antiqued the beads with burnt umber acrylic and allowed to dry overnight to assure thorough drying of paint in the crevices.
After that I lightly dry sanded (mask) with 320 and 600 papers to sand through to the lightest color (a mixture of white, ecru and translucent). Rinsed the beads and then put them in a 250 degree oven (in foil baking pans clipped shut with butterfly clips) for nearly an hour to be sure inner core dried.
They were then hand buffed on my jeans while I watched a movie.
I will apply a very light coat of shoe polish and buff again before final assembly of necklace.
I got so excited about the possibilities I now have a ziploc bag full of forms of all sorts.